Family Shabbat
Little eyes look on as Alice demonstrates and explains how we will light the Shabbat candles and say the blessing.
Looking for a child-friendly shabbat service?
Our Nitzanim community has grown amazingly in the past few years, and we’ve discovered that many of us want to get together more regularly for Shabbat and other services. To meet this desire, Ner Shalom, Reb Irwin, Nitzanim staff and the Parent Advisory Council have come together to offer monthly Musical Family Shabbat services.
Each service runs from 4:30 to about 6 pm on Friday, and each time we offer a craft, a low-cost optional dinner (sign up in advance, or BYO picnic), blessings, songs, and a story told by Rabbi Irwin with great humor, warmth and audience participation. In 2024 we are alternating each monthly service with a Saturday morning Family Shabbat service from 10 to 11:30 am with Torah reading added to the program, and a complimentary bagel bar after the service.
Find the dates and ticketing links for Musical Family Shabbat on Ner Shalom’s calendar.
Synagogue membership is not required for attendance.
We welcome folks of all ages to join us.
Any questions? Would you like to get involved? We can always use volunteer support from our community to ensure that these wonderful programs continue to happen and remain sustainable for our staff. Please email us at
Follow us on Instagram to stay in the loop about Musical Family Shabbat and our other programs.
Participants of all ages rock out at Musical Family Shabbat